Executive MBA Program

– the only such studies in Poland

You will reach the summit with us!

Executive MBA studies at the Wrocław University of Economics are unique in many respects, and this uniqueness is created by people. By following the trails of individual modules with us, you can meet interesting people who will inspire you to continue your journey to the top. The number of classes, their diversity and diversification in terms of conducting show different paths thanks to which we will be able to climb to the top together.A co z niego widać? Na pewno szerszą perspektywę, więcej możliwości i oczywiście kolejne szczyty!

As we know, hiking can be addictive, but it is a safe passion that helps us develop.

Can there be an MBA program? We can compare it to climbing a mountain – when reaching the top, we can choose one of the many available trails. In this case, students choose the Polish or international path and business modules according to which education is carried out – the path to the top.

What else is happening on this road? You can meet many interesting people there, lecturers and mentors who will inspire, motivate and help you achieve your desired goal.

What will we find at the top? Huge satisfaction from the knowledge, experience, people I met, and most importantly, a master’s degree from the Wrocław University of Economics.

We invite you to walk together

Director of Executive MBA

Prof. UEW Maja Kiba-Janiak and her team


Christmas break

Dear Executive MBA Community! Due to Christmas break, the EMBA office will be closed from 23/12/2024 to 6/01/2025. We will…


The only such studies in Poland that offer a professional master’s degree!

The Executive MBA program at the Wrocław University of Economics lasts 2 years, it is a very intensive study that improves the skills of managers and directors.


Why us?

Unique staff

  • academic lecturers
  • practitioners
  • foreign experts

Education programme

  • 4 semesters of study
  • two variants of education (Polish-language and international
  • possibility of obtaining a double certificate – EU in Wrocław and the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. (Optionally, this module may be replaced with an equivalent module conducted at another foreign university.)

Elite AMBA accredited MBA studies

as the only university in Poland, we offer a master’s degree diploma and an AMBA certificate as part of the Execituve MBA program!

Climb to the top with us!

Accreditations and distinctions

hr excellence in research
Chartered Financial Analyst
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna

Membership in organizations and programs

AACSB Business Education Alliance Member
International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies
Principles for Responsible Management Education
Erasmus plus


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