The latest issue of Forbes magazine published the interview “If MBA, then with accreditation”, in which the Director of the WUEB EMBA Program, prof. Maja Kiba-Janiak together with prof. Anna Matysek from the Poznań University of Economics and Business and prof. Rafał Mrówka from SGH talked about what guarantees good managerial education.
The devaluation of MBA programs that has been noticeable in recent years makes it difficult to choose good and quality studies. That is why it is so important for EMBA Program Directors to build awareness among candidates. One of the aspects that proves the high quality of education is that the MBA program is accredited by AMBA (Association of MBAs). It confirms that a given MBA program meets the standards set by an international group of experts in the field of management education.
We encourage you to read the interview also on the website:…/jesli-mba-to-z-akredytacja/ertvbzl