Grzegorz Macowicz

Saule Technologies Inc., Group CFO

I decided to pursue an EMBA because I had long recognized the need to deepen my management and business knowledge. I wanted to gain skills that would allow me to lead teams more effectively and make sound strategic decisions more informedly. The job market is constantly changing, and in order to stay current, you need to invest in your skills. Is there anything better than an executive MBA?

The choice of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business was not accidental. It is one of Poland’s most renowned economic universities, which enjoys unflagging prestige at home and abroad. The EMBA program offered by Wroclaw University of Economics and Business has been carefully designed to provide students with the latest knowledge in management and business while allowing them to make valuable business contacts. In addition, the teaching staff of experienced practitioners and researchers guarantees the highest level of teaching.

In the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business Executive MBA program, many elements proved extremely useful in my professional work. Although the entire program is excellently structured, a few aspects stand out in particular.

* Strategic management: this module helped me understand how to make key business decisions from a long-term perspective. As a result, I am now more confident in my choices and can better plan the development of my business.

* Human Resource Management: I learned how to effectively motivate and manage a team in this module, which translates into a better working atmosphere and higher productivity.

* International business: case studies from global markets and meetings with experts from different countries allowed me to understand how business works globally and the challenges companies operating internationally face.

* Networking: the EMBA program provides not only knowledge but also the opportunity to make valuable business contacts. Meetings with other course participants, lecturers and special guests allowed me to expand my network of contacts, which benefits me in my daily work.

In retrospect, I consider the Executive MBA at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business as one of the best investments in my education and professional development. Here are some of the key benefits I gained from participating in this program:

* Knowledge at the highest level: The EMBA program has provided me with up-to-date and practical knowledge in management, finance, marketing and other key areas of business. As a result, I am better prepared to make strategic decisions in my company.

* Developed leadership skills: leadership-focused courses and workshops helped me understand how to effectively lead a team, motivate employees and build a positive organizational culture.

* Rich relationships: the EMBA program allowed me to establish lasting relationships with other course participants, lecturers and industry experts. These contacts have proved invaluable in my future career, opening doors to many new business opportunities.

* Personal development: besides the professional aspects, the study also contributed to my personal development. I learned to understand myself better, my strengths and areas for improvement, which helped me become a more confident and effective leader.

* Prestige and recognition: the Executive MBA degree from Wroclaw University of Economics is widely recognized in the business community. It has added to my prestige in the eyes of business partners and opened many doors in the corporate world.

Studying Executive MBA at Wroclaw University of Economics was not only a source of knowledge for me but also a source of inspiration and motivation for further development. Thanks to them, I became a more competent, confident and effective leader, ready to take on challenges in the dynamically changing business world. Choosing to study EMBA at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business was a natural step in my career path. I am convinced that with this decision, I will be able to pursue my professional goals more effectively and achieve success in the business world.


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